What is Anti-Snore Mouthguard?
What is Anti-Snore Mouthguard?

Sleep apnea - Snoring

Snoring is the sound that occurs as a result of narrowing of the airway during sleep. Shortness of breath or congestion  during sleep can also be a symptom of serious disorders such as heart and blood pressure. Waking up to one's own voice is one of the biggest signs of this.

It is known that sleep apnea and snoring are one of the biggest causes of teeth grinding. With the treatment of snoring, the need to grind the teeth often disappears. At the same time, since snoring causes inadequate sleep quality, it can cause fatigue and weakness in people during the day.

In cases of Snoring and Sleep Apnea, personalized appliances are used to fix the chin in the forward direction and to open the narrowing of the airway in the pharynx. In this way, the joint is positioned in the right position, increasing the air flow and breathing is relieved.

The use of snoring appliances is decided after sleep tests. These appliances should be applied to patients with joint disorders and arthritis, but since other reasons may lie behind them, they should be fully evaluated and then appropriate treatment should be started.

What are Sleep Apnea-Snoring Appliances?

They are appliances made by taking impressions of the lower and upper jaws in dental clinics. Thanks to its adjustable systems, the chin is brought to the correct position.

Is the processing time short?

It is a short-term process that is easy to apply and use.

How many hours a day should it be worn?

These appliances should be worn regularly for at least 6-8 hours every night.

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