Implant Treatment
Implant Treatment
Implant Treatment


A dental implant is a name given to screws made of titanium or zirconia, which are replaced with the teeth lost for various reasons. With dental implant treatment, screws placed in the jawbone serve as tooth roots. In short, we can call implants artificial tooth roots.

The dental implant treatment method can be applied safely to people missing a single tooth, people missing more than a tooth, or people with complete edentulism. Implant application, which is a more robust treatment method compared to prosthesis or bridge treatments, is the most durable treatment method in the long term, although it is slightly more expensive than other methods. Implants with a completed treatment process are more natural, safer, and permanent than others.

Implant treatment can be applied to all people who have completed jaw and facial development and are over 18 years old. Before starting the treatment, an x-ray is taken first. This way, the suitability of the person's jaw structure for treatment is checked. If the person's jaw structure is suitable, the treatment process begins. When it is not suitable, a bone graft (bone powders) is used in the area and then the ossification process is waited for to be completed. After it is completed, the treatment begins.


What are the steps for a dental implant?


The screws used in a dental implant application are replaced with the missing tooth roots by a dental and maxillofacial surgeon. It takes a certain time for the implants that serve as artificial tooth roots to fuse into the bone. Many people can comfortably continue their daily lives on the day the implants are placed.

Implant treatment is performed by applying local or general anesthesia. For this reason, the patient does not feel any pain, or aches during the surgical operation. The mild pain felt when the anesthesia effect starts to decrease is relieved with painkillers. The placement of implants in the jaw is divided into one-stage operations and two-stage operations.


One-Stage Implants


One-stage implants are a newer technique than two-stage implants. In one-stage implant treatment, a temporary cap is attached after the implants are placed. For the implant, which is in the healing process, to boil into the bone healthily, patients should pay attention to their nutrition and oral hygiene.



Two-Stage Implants


Although two-stage implants are an older technique compared to the one-stage treatment method, nowadays, they are preferred more frequently. According to the results, two-stage implants are the treatment method with the highest success rate.

Two-stage implants are the name given to the treatment method in which the dental implant is covered with gums after insertion. Implants closed with gum tissue are left to the healing process. After a while, prostheses are attached and temporary bridges are placed. The healing process varies on the lower jaw and upper jaw. It is directly proportional to the bone structure of the patient. In some cases, it is seen that new teeth are placed on dental implants immediately.

People who have completed either the one-stage or two-stage implant treatment process can safely continue their social life with more robust teeth than before.


What is the difference between Zirconium Implants and Titanium Implants?


Zirconium implants are newer than titanium. Zirconium implants, which are especially used in people with a narrow jawbone, are made to protect the strength of titanium implants. The only difference between titanium and zirconium is that zirconium is more durable.

Zirconium is more useful not only for durability but also for aesthetics. Zirconium, which is also used as a tooth coating, does not cause any harm to the human body.


Why Should I Have an Implant?


Nowadays, many people lose their teeth due to various reasons. In the past, people who lacked teeth had to continue their lives with bridges or dentures. Since implant treatment has been introduced into our lives, it is preferred as a healthier, more reliable, and permanent treatment method. So why implants?

In implant treatment, it is not necessary to cut neighboring or carrier teeth as in bridge treatment. Likewise, problems such as jawbone melting caused by deformation occurring in prosthetic treatments are not encountered. In implant treatment, your healthy teeth are not cut, your chewing functions will be performed more solidly than before. Please do not hesitate to contact our specialist physicians about all your concerns about the implant.

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